Thursday, February 24, 2022

Getting Started with Haskell - Quick Tutorial

 To install Haskell compiler on MacOS:

brew install ghc

To compile a Haskell file into executable: (the Haskell file must have a main function)

ghc my-haskell-with-main-func.hs

To run without a Haskell file compiling: (the Haskell file will execute without a main function)

ghc -e ':script my-haskell-without-main-func-each-line-is-a-command.hs'

Haskell interactive console:


To output a string

putStrLn "hello"

To create a Hello World Haskell program

main = putStrLn "hello"

To create a multi-line Haskell program

  main = do

    putStrLn "hello"

    putStrLn "World"

To get stdin to a variable

t <- getLine 

To cast a String value into Int

i = read "123" :: Int

To covert a Int to String

s = show i

To round Float to Int

i = round  1.5

To split a String to a List by space

wordList = words "a b c"

To get item by index from a List 

wordList !! 2

To split a String to a List by new lines

 lineList = lines "hello world\nhi there"

To print a variable

print "hello"

To create a list of integer sequence from 1 to 5


To create a list of integers


To define a lambda function

foo = \x -> x+1

To call a lambda function

foo 1 

To map a List  and apply a lambda function

map (\x -> x+1) [1 .. 2]

To filter a List  and apply a lambda function

filter (\x -> x>0) [1,2,3,0,5,6]

To take unique values of a list

import Data.List

nub [1,2,2,3,3,4]

To sort a List

sort [2,3,1] 

 To compose functions, use .

(map (\x -> x+1) . nub) [1,2,2,2,2]

To pipe functions from right to left without compose, use $

map (\x -> x+1) $ nub [1,2,2,2,2]

To flatten / merge multiple Lists into one List

concat [[1,2],[3,4]]

To join a List of String to one String with a delimiter

intercalate " " ["a", "b", "c"]  

To reduce, use foldr

foldr (\x s -> s+x) 100 [1,2,3]

foldr is kind of slow. Use foldl

foldl (\s v -> s+v) 100 [1,2,3] 

To sum numbers in a List

sum [1,2,3] 

To divide a List into a List of groups (Lists), each of which collects the repeated items in sequence:

groupBy (==) "aabbcccdddde" 

Write a function that returns constant value

f = (const 1)

f 100

To get combination of of a list with itself (Note: a String is a List)

        mapM (const "ABC") [1,1] 

To comment

-- This is a comment

To take power of a number

x ** 2     -- will result in Float value

x ^ 2       -- will result in Int value

To take absolute value

abs x

To take modulo of two values (% doesn't work)

mod 5 3 

To perform integer division

div 5 3 

To compare values with not equals (!= doesn't work)

1 /= x 

To get the max value in a List of values

maximum [1,2,3] 

To concat two Strings

"Hello" ++ "World"

To concat two Lists

[1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]

To reverse a List

reverse [1,2,3] 

To take a for loop (

mapM_ (\i -> do {

    print $ "hello" ++ show i

})  [1.. 5]

-- Note: what do {} is used, remember to add ; at the end of each line, except for the last line.

-- Note: use mapM_ for side effect, and expect mapM_ to return no value.

To use ternary operator

x = 2

y = if x > 1 then "YES" else "NO" 

To define a variable in multi-line program

let { x = 2 }; 

To create a pair and get its left and right value, use a tuple:

 a = (1,2)

v1 = fst a

v2 = snd a

To zip two Lists into a List of pairs (tuples)

zip [1,2,3] ['a','b','c'] 

To define a lambda function that takes a tuple as input parameter:

(\(a,b) -> a+b) (1,2) 

Can I transpose a matrix? Yes, you can

import Data.List 

transpose [[1,2],[3,4]] 

Take length of a List

length [1,2,3] 

Take the first few from a List

take 1 [1,2,3]

Remove the first few from a List

drop 1 [1,2,3]

Drop the last one from a List

init [1,2,3,4,5]

Get the first value in a List

head [1,2,3] 

Get the last value in a List

last [1,2,3] 

Traverse a List until it doesn't match a condition

takeWhile (\x -> x > 0) [1,2,3,0,5,6] 

To get a String (List) of repeated values of a certain length

take 10 $ repeat '_' 

To define a recursive function: (you can define what a function return when a certain value is received at the parameter.)

f 0 = 0

f 1 = 0

f 2 = 1

f n = f (n-1) + f (n-2)

 To define a function f with multiple scenarios by conditions

f v

 | v > 0 = ">0"

 | v < 0 = "<0"

 | otherwise = "0"

To dynamic programming with recursion, see a tutorial on Data.Function.Memoize for fibonacci.

For example

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