Saturday, June 06, 2015

UTF8 Encoding Problem in Laravel Blade Template

I have a Chinese site written in three years ago. It is still on Laravel 3, but I'd like to migrate it into a new server. After the migration, it appears that all Chinese characters from the application are rendered twisted. And it was not because of the <meta> tag  that can fix it, as I am seeing the wrong character in the source.

My first step was try to render some Chinese characters from plain .php file. It worked. That ruled out the Nginx/HHVM configurations. After that, I started to place "print_r()" with some UTF-8 characters. Tracing to /laravel/core.php, it appears that mb_output_handler method is using a wrong default encoding. I made the following changes:

mb_http_output("UTF-8");    // to make blade template output in UTF-8

The UTF-8 characters appeared normal again after the change. Great! :)

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