Monday, September 10, 2007

Almost exhausted the drawing practice book...

Well, my skill really improved after practising with Tadashi Ozawa's tutorial book. Drawing the figures from news paper and mangas never helped me that much. Thinking of creating original characters by my own now, maybe even some manga script.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hot September

It has been really hot in these days. Plus power outage, which reminds me the California power crisis in 2003, when Arnold became our governor. Hopefully California will not be ripped off by out-of-state power companies, again.

Days without electricity gives me a feeling of living in North Korea, except in NOrth Korea the weather won't melt people down - but this is America; this is California, the greatest economical place on the earth. Isn't that weird? Or, ha, maybe the big earth quake is finally coming. God wants to give us some foresight... (wait, I am a budist, already. So, never mention God any more!)

Ok, here is the drawings that I have done during the Labor day weekend. Yeah, I had nothing better to do, except being half naked at home doing pencil drawing, and screaming out "This is Spartaaaaaa!".